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Title: Time Management
Being punctual is a habit, though not inborn, and can be inculcated by efforts and consistency. When majority of people have good time management, defaulters will also fall in line. This can create a new world order of punctuality!
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Secret of success is Time Management

There is a famous story about Napoleon Bonaparte, which most of us know – a great warrior and French emperor of early 19th century.  Someone asked him about a secret of his success and victory in almost each war.  What he said is a universal truth! He said, he ensures that he is present in battlefield few minutes before his enemy!  This can be a mission statement for success.


We all seem to be very busy!

We come across many people in our life, who are never on time for anything.  Coming late to office is a usual scene, but we find

 people coming late for birthday parties, or marriage function or any similar event.  And they have their own reasons for being late!  There are suppliers who do not supply material on committed date.  There are buyers who do not pay to supplier on committed date, and both of them have their own reasons for delay.  When someone calls us few times, we do not return the call, even though we see 4/5 ‘missed calls’, because we are ‘busy’ in some other activity.  If someone is saying ‘I am busy’, or ‘I was very busy”, he is not telling the truth!  It is just a matter of priority. He has no priority for you but he cannot say so directly.  Instead, its ‘busy’!!


Phenomena of ‘busy’

There is nothing like ‘busy’.  Nature has no concept of ‘urgent’.  These are created phenomena because someone has not done his work at the time when it was supposed to be done.  Many a times, they have a chain action as one delay triggers another. (we are familiar with an announcement in delayed flights: ‘we are sorry for this delay, which is caused due to late arrival of the aircraft!’).  We also have seen that sometimes, a function is delayed because either a chief guest has not arrived on scheduled time, or some guests are yet to arrive!  Those who have come in time for the programme, are forced to wait until ‘late-comers’ arrive.  It’s in a way penalizing the punctual people.


Its unusual to be ‘on time’!

We sometimes see a big news in social media and on electronic media about timely completion of a railway project, or a flyover bridge.  The timely completion of a certain work becomes a news!  This is because invariably every such project is often delayed.  This is a classic example of mismanagement of time.  The delay is caused because someone has not done his given work in expected time. This triggers further delays in related activities.  When many people do not do their work in time, the result is catastrophic!


In our actual life, we are so much used to these delays around, that sometimes we ourselves contribute to it knowingly.  If we have a birthday party to start actually at 7.30 PM, we deliberately announce the party time as 7.00 PM, so that even if some people will come late, party can still start at 7.30 PM.  In reality, sometimes, we are forced to start it at 8.00 PM, since some guests have still not arrived!


In short, absence of time management can give rise to:


-          Delayed completion of tasks

-          Increased tolerance to delays

-          Letting habit of delay to percolate in our lifestyle

-          Developing disregard to time and punctuality



Is punctuality impossible?

Things can start getting better if we learn to respect time. Time is an inseparable part of our life.  Everything that happens, happens with ‘time’ reference.  There is no event or activity without time, or “anytime”!  We wear wristwatches, or use our mobile phones for time reference, we make sure to know what time the match starts, what time is the meeting etc. But still are unable to meet the scheduled time.  The best use of Railway timetable is not to check the train timings, but to know how much late it is!


Time is such a precious and only commodity, that is available equally for everybody.  The day is of 24 hours for everybody – whether it’s a president of a company or a farmer.  The difference is how we utilise those 24 hours.  Here comes the effective management of available time.


Its in Nature to be timely

Although, we have ample examples and incidents of ‘late’ and ‘delay’, we also have several examples of things happening on time.  We all know that sunrise and sunset happen at scheduled time each day.  We can forecast sunrise and sunset times for years ahead.  Our trains and flights can arrive late but never ever sun misses his times!  When the nature does not like word ‘urgent’, why we use it?  Why something becomes urgent?  It is just because, someone has not completed his task at the required time.  This can open many possibilities of reasons.  Most important reason can be disregard to time.


‘Time is money’: we have heard this many times.  But in reality, time is NOT money.  Read what wise men say: "We can get more money, but we cannot get more time".


Successful Time Management:

In our life, we come across many people who are very particular about time and are punctual at every activity they are involved into.  Switzerland followed by Denmark, Japan and Germany are the most punctual countries.  The list starts with names like Mahatma Gandhi, JRD Tata, Dhirubhai Ambani and many more. They are never late for their work, commitment, office, or for attending a function.  They hate late-commers. Can we observe them how they are able to manage their timely activities day after day?


How to manage time?

Do we have too many things to do within a short time?  Or are we spending our time in incorrect ways? There is a famous saying: “The way we spend our time, defines who we are!”.  Something is definitely serious in this situation.


We can avoid this with a simple rule: “Make promises which you can fulfill. And make sure to fulfill the promises made”.  This will kill the words ‘busy’ and ‘urgent’, since this will hit the root of time requirement.  To be more specific, and brief, we can adopt any or all of below points to obey time management:


-          Make dynamic planning. The planning should be realistic

-          Make Schedule/Plan of activities for a day and for coming days as far as possible

-          Try multi-tasking wherever possible and necessary

-          Start early

-          Think of time availability before making a commitment

-          Learn to say ‘no’ to certain work if it does not fit into your time frame

-          Realise - each activity is of equal importance and priority

-          Remember that each activity deserves to have its required time.

-          Allow some free time in between for emergencies/contingencies

-          Make sure to obey committed time frame.


Advantages of Time Management:

Time mismanagement or not being punctual, has many disadvantages.  On the other side, being on time, meeting time commitments and observing set schedules has many advantages like –


-          Increase in our self-confidence

-          Increase in efficiency and output

-          Projects our image as a reliable, dependable and trustworthy person

-          Contributes greatly in success. 

-          Makes us famous and popular.

-          Being punctual by ourselves, helps others to be punctual

-          Imbibes professionalism in us

-          Inculcate better life style

-          Makes us forget to say ‘Sorry”!


If you have filled all your timeslots properly, you are a ‘busy’ in its literal sense, and a saying ‘Most busy man has time to do everything!’ can well fit you.


Being punctual is a habit, though not inborn, and can be inculcated by efforts and consistency.  When majority of people have good time management, defaulters will also fall in line.  This can create a new world order of punctuality!






Credits: Everhour blog, thoughts of many mentors, experience

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