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Articles - Enefinder

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Title: Largest SME Gathering - Engineering Expo Pune 2020
Summary: The Engineering Expo 2020 at Pune is organised by GlobeTech Media Solutions and is expected to be largest SME gathering. The show covers all important verticals of engineering field. Earlier engineering expo ooranised in Pune as well as in Aurangabad have pulled large crowds from industries around the area, and this expo is expected to break earlier records of visitors.
Company/Institute Name: GlobeTech Media Solutions
Name of Author: Mr. Satish Mandole
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Title: Growth is no 'weekend' activity - Success stories of industry leaders
Summary: Business growth is a long drawn and continuous activity, which industry leaders have been practicing round the clock. Kaleidoscope is a kind of ‘advertorial’ that combines ‘Advertisement’ and ‘Editorial contents’ about activities of the organization. Here a reader will get detailed overview of a company with their products information, quality and culture, and awards, certificates, CSR activities etc.
Company/Institute Name: Vasudha IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Name of Author: Mr. K. W. Kekane
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Title: First Milestone surpassed
Summary: In our chase of a vision, we have surpassed the first milestone of viewership. Visitors count has just crossed 1 Million mark!. This is a really encouraging response from all around the world. We however, are modestly aware that we still have a long way to go. We are sure, with help and support of all our well-wishers, we will be able to walk our further journey more gracefully!
Company/Institute Name: Vasudha IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Name of Author: Mr. K. W. Kekane
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Title: ENEFINDER - A new dimension to your Brand Promotion Strategy!
Summary: In a year, over 300,000 people from Electrical-Electronics-Automation field visit ENEFINDER and this number is still growing. These visitors include Buyers, Specifiers, Consultants, Contractors, Marketeers and Actual Users. That should be a good reason to include ENEFINDER in your media planning. Cost of Advertising on ENEFINDER is very much comparable with other conventional media.
Company/Institute Name: Vasudha IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Name of Author: Mr. K. W. Kekane
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Title: Better Navigation now, with new 'Info' Page
Summary: ENEINDER has introduced a new 'Info' page that helps visitor to quickly see various sections and features and reach to his required page very quickly. ENEFINDER has over 25 features and this Info page will help visitor to view all of them at a glance!
Company/Institute Name: Not Applicable
Name of Author: Mr. K. W. Kekane
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Title: ENEFINDER Membership now much simplified!
Summary: We have recently modified Membership form of ENEFINDER (www.enefinder.com), and it now makes to join ENEFINDER within a minute! Just fill the new simple form with basic details and receive your Username and Password by email. Very simple to open unlimited opportunities for promoting your products as well as sourcing materials and getting knowledge on related topics of interest.
Company/Institute Name: Not Applicable
Name of Author: Mr. K. W. Kekane
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Title: Free Product Promotion on ENEFINDER!
Summary: Like we breath air for free, get sunlight for free, get rains for free, similarly you get Product Promotion for free on ENEFINDER!
Company/Institute Name: Vasudha IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Name of Author: Mr. K. W. Kekane
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